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* 来源 : * 作者 : admin * 发表时间 : 2018-10-11 * 浏览 : 41

Schenker Salvi Weber和feld72在维也纳的Rochusmarkt落成了Post AG的新公司总部。建筑群是由品质卓越的体量组成,不仅巧妙地结合了新旧,而且还具有现代室内建筑,其特点是办公室的开放式交流区域和商场的设计。将建筑融入城市环境使其能够与周围环境进行对话。

Text description provided by the architects. Schenker Salvi Weber and feld72 shape the new corporate headquarters of Post AG on Vienna’s Rochusmarkt. The building ensemble is a composition of the highest quality which not only skilfully combines old and new but also features contemporary interior architecture which is distinguished by the open communication areas in the offices and the design of the mall. The integration of the building into the urban context enables it to enter into dialogue with its surroundings.


The spatial structure of the building can be read and used in a number of ways with a view to ensuring its long-term operation. From the starting point of the historically protected existing building, the new spaces have been designed to permit a range of alternative uses and extensive adaptations to the building services infrastructure. Despite this flexible internal organization the powerful image of the facade lends the building a sense of continuity and timelessness – and hence sustainability. 


Post AG集团委任建筑师为大约1000名员工设计办公区域,其体现了对设计师的充分信任。新总部大楼的平面布局不仅需要创造工作空间,其对社交空间与会面空间的需求也很看重。因此,因此,该大楼设计以当代开放性办公区域为设计理念,在保障雇员办公环境不受侵扰的同时,营造多种内部社交环境。


Interior and exterior from a single hand

Post AG demonstrated its enormous faith in the ability of the architects by also inviting them to design the office areas for around 1000 employees. The brief for the layout of the new corporate headquarters required the creation of not only working spaces but also social spaces with extensive room for communication. Hence, the project opted for an open, contemporary office concept which encourages communicative exchange between employees while also offering space for individual work.







